Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Moving Saga part 1

That sounds like the beginning of some epic adventure story right?

Well...the husband and I have had a pretty epic move this time.

Let me begin.

It all starts back in June/July when your lovely red-headed heroine was desperately searching for a new apartment.* The need was great, the specifications were bountiful.
Time wore on and our red-head and her partner in crime saw more apartments then they could count. And like the princess and the pea, all were rejected. "The carpet is ugly" "It's too small"** "Too expensive".
And then...our heroine and her partner found the perfect place. Good price, lovely hardwood floors, a gas stove.
Half a day later, an e-mail was sent.
Someone had taken the apartment on the spot a few hours prior.
Much teeth gnashing and a few tears.
And then...the grand and glorious studio.
It was perfect! Hardwood floors, amazing rent, and oh a deck!
"We must have it!" cried our heroine. Her partner agreed.
Then the But....
They could not move in until 10 days after their current lease ended.
"We'll find a solution! I can't look at apartments for one more second!"

And're pretty much caught up to speed.

Tune in tomorrow when part 2 of our saga is posted!

*The husband was helping, but as the half with more pecularities about where I live and more time, I spearheaded the search.
**Seriously, some of these "one bedrooms" were probably half the size of the new studio we are moving into. I could barely open some of the doors.

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