Sarah and Anthony

Sarah and Anthony were married in March 2012. They live in a spacious studio (with a deck!) and love living in an area where they can walk to the grocery store. Anthony argues that one person does not need that many books, and Sarah retorts that they are friends and they are staying. They enjoy way more sci-fi shows then is normal, eating good food, and being absolutely ridiculous.
Sarah has grand plans for their new little studio and Anthony just hopes she remembers to do the dishes.

Susannah and Matthew

Susannah and Matthew were just married in June 2012.  They live in a tiny apartment, enjoy being active when the get the chance, and absolutely love red wine.  They have an extensive movie collection between the two of them, and the books are getting out of hand.  Matthew doesn't really like all the throw pillows on the bed; Susannah says they have to stay.

Sarah and Susannah 
The thing about small campuses like Mount Holyoke is that everyone knows people by sight even if they don't actually know the person.
Which leads us to the fall of 2007.
Sarah was in England
Susannah was starting her first semester at Mount Holyoke.
Sarah kept getting reports from friends that they thought they were seeing her around campus, even though they knew she was in England.
And then when Sarah came back, and met Susannah at church, it all clicked into place.
"You're the girl that everyone keeps thinking is me!"
We've been friends ever since.
Luckily, in addition to sharing the same hair color, they also happen to really like each other. :)

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