Tuesday, August 21, 2012

birthday fun


For my birthday last week, we spent the whole weekend doing fun things. Friday night was dinner in with the husband and my birthday presents from him.  Saturday was a day in town visiting the big flea market.  Saturday evening, we went bowling with a few friends, and Sunday afternoon was a baseball game!  It was a lovely weekend, and one of the only times the hubby has had a three day weekend, which made it even better.

So, I was thinking.

How, exactly, are we (those of us watching our budgets) supposed to celebrate birthdays in a fun way that doesn't stress the wallet?  A few ideas for your consideration!

1.  Do those things you always say you're going to do but never have time for. 

2. Stay in town instead of taking a trip, but act like a tourist.

3. Do an activity like bowling or game night with friends.

4. Check out deals on Groupon, LivingSocial, or TravelZoo.

Have any other ideas to share?  This was only our first birthday as a married couple and we have lots to learn, but these are our preliminary ideas for this go around.

xoxo Susannah

1 comment:

  1. We're big groupon fans.
    One year, we went paintballing with a bunch of husband's friends from work.
    We also tend to do one really nice thing. Like, we'll go out for a nice dinner ('cause we're huge foodies) instead of a nice dinner and a gift or a show or something.
    We've also done small surprise birthday parties at home with friends. Which are super fun, and not terribly expensive. :)
