Thursday, August 2, 2012

Confessions of the husband kind

We're big fans of marriage around this blog. We think it's pretty fun. It can also be pretty mysterious until you're in it and you're thinking to yourself "Why did no one TELL me that husbands are just as moody as my girl friends are?" (Fact.) Well, here at Newlywed Studio Living...we want to take the mystery out of marriage  (for the singles) and have a discussion about the crazy stuff our spouses do (for the marrieds)

Confessions of the husband kind:
1. My husband is neat. I am not. 
     Look. I understand I'm messy. I like to think it's because my mind is preoccupied with other things, but frequently it's that I just doesn't occur to me to wash the dishes until I need a dish. This is not the way my husband thinks. If this sink is full, it needs to be emptied. (I mean, he's not ocd about it, but when he can no longer use the faucet, it starts to bug him). Point is: Your husband has quirks just like you do. They might (read: will) drive you crazy, but you've got to learn how to deal with them.

2. The laundry.
Has anyone else noticed that the ammount of laundry you're doing has somehow tripled despite the fact that there is only one more additional person in the house? Maybe it's just me and my husband, but my lands, the laundry!

3. Exsperation, thy name is newlywed.
There is something about living with your significat other that is equal parts Disney wonderful and "My lands, who ARE you?"
It is wonderful when my husband and I cuddle on the couch and he strokes my hair to calm me down. (Yes, I am essentially a cat)
It is exasperating as heck when I explain to him that no, checking 6 books out from the library is not in fact a lot.
It is wonderful that he lifts heavy objects when we move. (I mean, I probably could...but it would be more difficult)
It is exasperating when we are moving/packing and I literally don't know what's going on (because he has a plan) and stand in a room saying "Tell me what you want me to do" (No joke, this happened at least a dozen times while we were recently moving)

Point is: Living with your love is AWESOME. Except there's this weird relationship where because you love them so much, they have the ability to annoy the hell out of you like no one else.
I think it has something to do with the sex......

4. Sex
This is not graphic. No dirty secrets shall be spilled here. (You have to get at LEAST two martinis in me before that happens ;) ) I will simply say this:
I am discovering that sex is important. It's important to have a lot of it. (I'm talking (ideally) at least every 48 hours here)
There's something about it that brings you closer* and makes you both happy** and your marriage...better.
It's kind of hard to explain. Just do it. Pun fully intended.

*Duh, right?
**Again, duh.


  1. Wait till you have kids.... The laundry will increase even more and the washing machine will eat cute newborn socks. As for sex, 2 to 3 times a week with two kids.... So maybe up to every 72 hours, but you are very right. Don't let it go. We've been married almost 6 years and I love him more today than ever.... Except that he just lost my speeding ticket that needs to be paid. Maybe I lost it. Who knows.

  2. Oh the cute newborn socks! My apartment ate some of those when friends were staying with us. I think it's because they're so small...or maybe it's the cute factor...
    And frankly, sex with two kids three times a week is amazing. I tip my hat to you. It's nice to know that there are other couples making it a priority as well.
    As for the speeding ticket, if it was me, I'd check the cupboards. I tend to put the oddest things in there...once I left my phone in there and simply couldn't figure out where the ringing was coming from.
    Thanks for commenting!
