Monday, September 3, 2012

Wait you're moving into a studio?!

This was the reaction of pretty much everyone we knew after we told them our moving plans. Even after we explained all the perks of the apartment: spacious, lovely deck, good location; they would still almost universally shake their heads, and say "I could never live in a studio with my significant other"
Which is fair. I can't really live with anybody other than Anthony,  no matter how big the apartment. (I am a TERRIBLE roomate) But we did have some pretty good reasons about why we moved, and why we're excited about our new cute studio that we thought we'd share.

Sarah's list of reasons why I'm glad we're out of our old apartment:

1. There were mice. A lot of them. We estimate that we killed at least 20 in the year we lived there.
2. Our old apartment was wicked expensive. Between the utilities and the rent, it was eating up a ton of money. Our new apartment? So affordable I almost feel bad telling other people what the rent is. And it's cute!
3. Our neighbors were...colorful.
4. We couldn't walk anywhere, except to the metro stop.
4a. The area was kind of gritty. Used car lots, loud music on the street, no trees, broken glass on the sidewalk.
5. It never really felt like our "home". While I didn't realize this until we moved into our new place, our apartment just never really felt like us.
6. Our dryer NEVER dried clothes the first time around. This might sound minor, but it jacked up our electric bills like no one's business.
7. Iron spiral staircases look super cool, but when you're half awake in the morning, walking down them is not so fun. Also, I found excuses to not go up or downstairs. I.e. I'd be upstairs, need something downstairs and ask Anthony to get it for me.
8.Our walls were paper thin. I got way more intimately acquainted with our neighbors personal life then I was comfortable with.
9. Our landlord was not responsive at all. We were once locked out of our apartment for almost 3 hours, because the service people had locked a lock we didn't have a working key to. (Oh yeah, we didn't have a working key to our deadbolt for the first 6 months we lived there.) We finally called--and paid for--a locksmith ourselves.
10. Mice. Everywhere. I realize I've said this once but it bears repeating. The mice figured out how to climb things so in addition to there being mice everywhere; there were mice droppings everywhere. Gross.

Sarah: Why I'm glad we moved to our new place:

1. Our deck is fabulous.
2. I feel so much more at home here. I call this the "Hippy, crunchy, mom's with strollers" part of the city. If you know where I went to college you know why this makes me happy. :)
3. Our apartment, while tiny, feels like us. It feels like a home. Which I didn't even realize I was missing until we moved.

Anthony's Top 6 Reasons Our Last Place Sucked
6. The neighborhood was on the edge of a very seedy part of the city.
5. Living near a metro stop, and only a metro stop, does not solve your city transportation issues.
4. Our building neighbors matched our 'hood (the very edge of seedy).
3. We had our property stolen from a "locked" garage.
2. Building management were easy to reach, but often slow to address our requests.
1. The literal mice infestation. And the worst part was I was sure they were nesting in the adjacent apartment.

Anthony's Top 6 Reasons Our New Place Rocks
6. We live in a lively, walkable part of the city.
5. I can now ride my bike to work.
4. We have a deck... Labor Day BBQ anyone?
3. Our landlord is an awesomely chill guy (e.g. he stopped by on a Saturday to replace some lightbulbs)
2. We have built in wall bike racks in building entryway.
1. We can live really comfortably without AC thanks to our wall-to-wall windows and two amazing ceiling fans. edit: He's not joking. There's maybe been 2 days since we moved that I've escaped to the library for air conditioning. 


  1. I know how you feel, loving a little place. I may have mentioned this before, but we life in what I like to call the Love Shack, and on some days a shoebox. It's tiny but it's home and it's all ours! God doesn't promise big expanses or riches in this world. He promises He'll provide for our needs and all those big expanses are there in the next. <3

  2. Awww, it sounds like a great move. I've just started moving the first of ITB's things over and started making room for the rest, and man, it's tricky. (Even with a bookcase that's 10'x5'... maybe that's a sign...)
    But at the same time, I'm finding I don't need a lot of the stuff I have. I don't use cd's... so i can sell the cd binders that keep collecting dust. i can sell that box of FIMO clay I haven't touched since high school. I can sell my Physical Chemistry tome (good riddance evil b*stard book!)... and the best deal is that I can sell the stuff for money. Yay money.
    But yeah... i have nooooooo idea where I'm going to put the two cedar chests and four dressers. Man, oh man...
