Tuesday, September 11, 2012


So... I realized today that I hadn't given you all a proper post in a while.  Last night, I thought I would make a delightful snack, take pictures, and tell you how to make it. 

Unfortunately, I failed. Miserably.



It was such an epic fail that I set off the smoke alarm at 10:15 at night and almost forced the entire apartment building to evacuate. It was...exciting.  Quite an adrenaline rush, I must say. For about 45 seconds, I ran around opening the windows and turning up fans and opening doors while envisioning hundreds of people standing outside our apartment building blaming me for setting off the smoke alarm.

I shall attempt said lovely snack again soon. I've made it before, so I don't know why it was difficult this time.

C'est la vie, I suppose.

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