Thursday, July 12, 2012

Butterfinger Bars!

That is a totally misleading name for these, as they taste nothing like Butterfingers, but this is a Grandma recipe, and you don't mess with Grammie.*
Interesting side story*: All when I was growing up, I LOVED these things. And Grammie only made them at Christmas time. I'm not even sure I ever had the presence of mind to ask for them other times of the year, so strongly did I associate these with Christmas.
And then a few weeks ago, on a random July day, I made them.
And let me tell you. They taste just as good in July as they do in December. They also bring back lots of warm fuzzy memories, which really, all good food should right? Good. Recipe!

1 cup brown sugar
1 cup butter or oleo(shortening)
4 cups quick oats
1 cup chocolate chips
3/4 cup peanut butter (creamy is best)

1. Pre-heat oven to 350.
2.Melt butter in microwave or on stove top
3. Pour oats and melted butter into 9x13 baking dish. Mix well until oats are coated with butter. Pat down.
4. Bake oats for 15-20 minutes(IMPORTANT: Do not over bake, as bars will crumble. I've found that 14-15 minutes at 350 works well. If worried, pull oats out early to test for firmness)
5. Let cool in pan to room temperature
6. Melt 1 cup chocolate chips over hot water(use a double broiler, or metal bowl over a small pot of boiling water)
7. Mix in peanut butter.
8. Spread over baked oat mixture
9. Place in fridge or freezer until chocolate is hard (I've found that if you're in a hurry, the freezer works best. My batch was solid in less then 30 mintues)

*This was confirmed last week when once by accident, and once on purpose I fudged the recipe.
The results were just awful.

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