Thursday, July 5, 2012

an afternoon in the sun

After being so active on our honeymoon, Matthew and I wanted to make sure we stayed more active this summer.  He works mostly evenings (the life of the hospitality industry employee...), so our relaxing-together time mostly happens during the day or on the two evenings a week he isn't working.

We end up being creative about our "date nights."  Since they occur during the day and money is a bit tight at the moment, our dates have become a little more creative.  We're working our way through a couple of tv shows, but that doesn't fall in the category of "active," unless you count pressing the remote as a form of exercise.

So, recently, we've taken to grabbing the frisbee or soccer ball and heading out to the park. Does anyone else do this?  We love it.  Matthew and I spend time at the park being active and getting in some exercise and sun, then head home to make lunch (or dinner) and shower before he has to go to work or before we settle in for a glass of wine and those tv shows we're working through.

Other cheap date ideas we've tried: picnics, wine and a movie in, local movie-in-the-park nights, local food festivals, book or cultural festivals, kayaking for an hour or two, baseball games (we bring our own sandwiches on weeks when the budget is tight), etc.

Got any other ideas to share?

xoxo Susannah

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