Tuesday, July 10, 2012

baked split chicken breast

I recently discovered that split chicken breast goes on sale frequently at my grocery store.  (Yes, I know I"m probably the last person to figure this out.  Sorry, goodness.)  While we're living on one income, being more economical has become more than just a hobby and transformed into a new adventure.

Now, I don't have much experience cooking, so that's been an adventure, as well.  Turns out I'm a reasonable cook; I'm just lacking in experience.  Thankfully, the internet is positively rife with recipes and recipe ideas and tips and tricks. 

So! What to do with the split chicken breast awaiting my attention in the freezer? What a good opportunity to use one of my new baking dishes!

After an extensive amount of googling for temperatures and times and some basic ideas, I decided to have fun and make my own version. 

Recipe (sort of) for your perusal:

Preheat oven to 375 degrees farenheit.

pack of split chicken breast
olive or canola oil (whichever you like better)
spices you like with chicken (this time, I used basil, salt, garlic, cilantro, and just a touch of chili powder to keep things interesting)

1.  Spread a little butter or oil around the bottom of your baking pan (13x9 or whatever you need to fit the chicken) to prevent the chicken from sticking.

2.  Layout the chicken in the baking dish. Skin side up!

3.  In a small or medium bowl, combine enough olive or canola oil with melted butter to equal somewhere around a quarter cup (I think my mixture ended up being just over a quarter of a cup).  My own concoction was about half canola oil and half melted butter.  To this mixture, add whatever spices you want to try with your chicken.  Mix well with a spoon.

4.  Baste or spoon the mixture onto the top of your chicken.  Use it all!

5.  Put the chicken in the oven for 35-40 minutes or until the juices run clear when you poke the meaty part of the chicken with a fork.

How did yours turn out?  Mine was a hit with the hubby, and it makes great leftovers!


  1. Not exactly a newlywed, but always looking for good ideas for food! This recipe sounds great...and I love leftovers. I think I'll try this on the weekend with maybe a few sliced new potatoes added to the pan..Keep these great ideas coming. Since we also live in a small space (downsizing) I'm always interested in what you are learning.

  2. Glad you like it! I practically live on leftovers some weeks.

    The potatoes sound delicious! I'll have to try it!

