Sunday, October 7, 2012

A home tour for all the messy people!

A thought about home tours.
I don't know about you, but I read *a lot* of blogs. And they all seem so shiny and happy and their houses are so clean. 
And while I have wanted to show off my cute little studio since we moved in, I was waiting.
"I don't want to do a tour until it looks pretty."
"I'll wait until everything is unpacked"
"Oh I'll wait until the desk gets here"

Well the desk is here* (accompanied by three more boxes of dear husband's stuff. Joy.) and I STILL don't want to do a tour.

Because here's the dirty little secret about this blog.

Looking for cute decorating ideas/housekeeping/diying?  I'm not the red head you want.

I am just not one of those cute diyers. My apartments look...messy most of the time.

And you know what? That's ok.

So for all of the messy people out there...this tour is for you!

*Actually it was here about three weeks ago. I've been a neglectful blogger guys sorry. 

Welcome to our lobby! To the left you can sort of see the built in bike racks, and that door in the left corner is our front door. 

Welcome to our messy studio!

This is our "pass through" kitchen (I think that's the fancy name for it) Please note our gas stove (We are THRILLED :) ) and in the corner you can just see our knife rack. Better picture here: .We call ours Fred :)

This is our lovely built in island with heater underneath. My computer live here much of the time because I like to watch tv while I cook/do the dishes. :)

This is our other island, next to the built in.
Please note the Tardis Cookie Jar. :)
Our Kitchen Guardian

Immediately after our kitchen you enter the living room! (With crazy tv system mounted to the wall)
Our "Dinning Room" which is conveniently located about a foot away from....

The Study! Also, a little lesson in being a messy person. This desk is a sectary desk. When open, it adds more mess to the room. However....

Once shut you look a (teeny) bit cleaner! Yay!
This is the "nothing" corner (admit it, you have one too). The chair is where laundry gets thrown, or  one of us sits when we want to work alone. (The chair back faces the sofa table you can kind of see in the living room picture :) )
Our lovely bedroom. (Yes, we are fond of Ikea)

And one of my favorite features of the apartment, the built in shelves. These border the left wall of our bed and are GREAT for storage, as you can see

Ok  this is probably my most favorite part of the apartment. Our deck. It's lovely to be able to step outside and sit in the sun with a book, or have a glass of wine out there. We had dinner out there a few weeks ago, and it was amazing. :)

And now: Some Studio Vignettes/Tips

Short on bookshelves, but have lots of windows? Make one of them a bookshelf window. This one stores my library books.

WIndow sills are also great for storing knick knacks If you're like me and want to be able to open the window though, make sure you only store things you don't mind getting a little damp if it starts to rain.

Cats always warm up an apartment. :)
And our time's up folks! Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Found my way here from your post on the Seven Sisters board. I love studio living. When my husband and I had our studio in Queens, NY, we felt it was an extension of dorm living but with "better" furniture (Ikea As-Is section all the way, baby!). Thanks for the tour!
