Wednesday, June 27, 2012

on flooring

In our tiny apartment, we knew we had at least one top priority that didn't involve the closet: the floors. The floor is mostly hardwood, for which I have a reusable fake-swiffer thing.  The reusable pad is awesome and I use it pretty often.

This meant that the only thing I couldn't clean easily was the large area rug and the smaller rug in the kitchen.  This may not sound like a big deal to you.  However, between those two rugs, that's over half of the apartment that I was cleaning with a lint roller and a sub-par handvac.  I'm not kidding.  A lint roller. On my hands and knees with a lint roller.

But this week was a momentous occasion!  We bought our first vacuum cleaner!

The rugs are happy. The husband is happy.  I'm ecstatic.

Dirty rugs are now a thing of the past!

I highly recommend investing in a vacuum cleaner.  Seriously.  It has already saved us two cleaning meltdown-arguments and we've had it for less than a week. 

xoxo Susannah

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