Sunday, June 24, 2012


So. A little over a year ago, I moved to my husband's town where he's getting his PHD.
We chose an adorable loft in a not adorable part of a town. I moved in.
And then....
The mice invaded (we've killed at LEAST 14)
I left a soul sucking job
We got married and he moved in (read: awesome fun, but more expensive then you'd like)
Our utility bills were getting way out of control.

So. When our lease was coming up, we decided we needed to move. And decided that a rent we could afford on one salary in a part of town we actually liked was more important then a pretty apartment that we could just barely afford.
So on Monday, we sign a lease for a studio.
Granted, it's bigger then Sussanah's (yay) but it's still quite a bit smaller then our current 1.5 bathroom loft.
So while Susu is settling into a newlywed tiny studio life.....
I'm figuring out how to parse down our belonging's to a studio and how we're going to store away all of our stuff once we get there.
An is a brewing folks.

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