Monday, November 26, 2012

decorative garland

Got crafty over my Thanksgiving holiday break and made a little garland/lights that should work for the entire holiday season.  Christmas is coming!

xoxo Susannah

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Scenes from a marriage:

Husband: You should wear the fuzzy pants today
Me: *Blank Stare* (This is pre-coffee)
Husband: If you're going to stuff yourself, you should be comfortable!
Me: Awwww.

Happy Thanksgiving from us! We are holed up in our tiny studio cooking too much food for two people, with a cat who thinks we are terribly cruel for not feeding her every hour.

*Please note: The "fuzzy pants" are my husband's flannel pajama pants and they are insanely comfortable.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Two weeks ago, hubby and I went on a new adventure date.  Do any of you other newlyweds try and find creative date ideas?  Well, I do.  I enjoy going on new adventures, and so does the mister.  It only makes sense to go on adventures together.

The most recent adventure was to a colonial farm! 

I wrote a little more about it here.

Have any other creative adventure date idea?

xoxo Susannah

Thursday, November 1, 2012

using buttermilk

Remember that time I tried making butter?

Yes, well, I made some more, then decided how I was going to use the runoff milk.  Buttermilk pancakes!


They were so delicious!

Especially with some of my accidental blackberry syrup on top!