Friday, December 14, 2012

20 things about the husband and me

So. I LOVE lists. I also love over sharing. ;)

So listing random, quirky facts about my hubs and me is basically my idea of a good time.

1. We met in high school, but we are NOT high school sweethearts.
         ---Really. This is always super fun to explain at parties. Don't worry, I'll do a post about this soon. ;)
2. Large families freak me out.
   --- This wouldn't be an issue, except for the fact that my husband has a large extended family. Most of whom I'm meeting for the first time in oh...18 days. Yeah. Super fun. And when I say freak out, I mean my panic attacks trigger and you're liable to find me with my head between my knees taking deep breaths.*
3. I suffer from panic attacks. I'm also prone to depressive episodes.
  ---Let's just say it's a good thing I've got a realtionship with Jesus, or my coping mechanisms would be a whole lot unhealthier.
4. My husband and are the goofiest people you will ever meet.
---But you'd never know this unless we are best friends or you're a fly on the wall of our tiny studio. We play adult real well.  :)
5. The hubs is about a 100 times neater then I am.
---That sound you hear is every friend I've ever had laughing/nodding their head.
6.  Without coffee I am not a human.
--I'm not exegerating. It's a fact.  Early on in our realtionship, I had to establish the ground rule that he couldn't talk to me unless I had a shower or a cup of coffee. Otherwise, I am not responsible for my actions.
7. If I could inject coffee into my veins, or snort it without killing myself, I probably would.
8. My husband is a crazy good gift giver.
--For Valentine's Day one year he gave me something practical, useful, and pretty. He basically knows how to make a woman swoon. (Or at least this woman)
9. I once told him that I was perfectly happy to elope** but I wanted a damn good proposal story. And oh buddy did he come through. His proposal was epic and amazing and to this day makes me giddy.
10. Playing off 9...I wanted to elope to Florence. We would fly there, I'd buy a pretty dress and we'd say vows in a language we didn't understand then start the honeymoon. He vetoed that idea. Said something about how I'd be disapointed if I didn't have everyone at our wedding....ok he was right. But still. My plan would have been a whole hell of a lot less stressful. Plus. You can't beat Florence.
11. While parts of having a husband in grad school might suck (read: Often not home until 1 a.m., not a ton of money)  I try to appreciate the nice things. Like, yesterday I was off of work and we both slept in and had a relaxing morning together. We couldn't do that if we both had real jobs.
12. I am in full on mid to late twenties crisis mode of figuring out what you want out of life. It's not real fun all the time, but it's good for me. (Can you tell I repeat that to myself a lot? )
13. I really appreciate a well decorated space, but my apartment is more likely to be cluttered then cute. I think it's because I really believe that a space should look like people live there. I.e. there should be dishes drying, or shoes tossed in a corner, or books in a stack by the bed. For me, if those little things aren't there the space--while beautiful--doesn't feel authentic.
14. I'm trying to figure out what my life as a wife looks like.
--This is probably a post in and of itself, but for a girl who never ever thought she'd get married, being married is strange. (And wonderful, don't get me wrong). But when you've spent your entire life planning a life where you weren't a wife, becoming one throws you for a wicked loop.
15. He almost always does the dishes.
--This varies based on how much work he has, but for the most part it's true. Partly because I usually cook, partly because I HATE doing the dishes, and partly because about 60% of the time the dishes I do aren't clean enough for him. (Dude, if there's a spot of dirt on the decorative edge or the back of my plate, I'm not going to worry about it.)
16. We try to divvy up chores based on whose better at/likes them more.
--Except for rare fits of organizing, I am TERRIBLE at it. So he organizes the apartment and tells me where everything is. I love to vacuum and iron so I do those. He sweeps because I have an odd passion about hating it.
You get the point. Frankly, I think it's genius because things (mostly) get done and no one resents anyone because they're doing chore they like!
17. I swear our cat is training us for children.
--She wakes us up multiple times a night. She won't let me use the rest room in peace. She wines. We talk about the best way to discipline/train her. Seriously. It's an issue. But we love her.
18. I believe that there is no such thing as too many books. My husband belives that if you haven't read it in a year and don't have an emotional attachment to it, you should give it away. I'm still trying to make him understand that I have an emotional attachment to all books.
19. I'm really proud of the way we fight. It doesn't happen often, but when it does we work hard to fight cleanly, without name calling and such, and lovingly. I never want the hubs to think that I don't love him...even when he's annoying the heck out of me. And we always ask (and grant) forgiveness quickly and freely.
20. We sit in the baby section at church so we (ok mostly me) can make faces at the cuties. It's super fun, and I highly recommend it.

There you go! 20 random things about the hubs and me. Doesn't everyone feel closer now? :)

*Ok, the head between the knees bit is an exaggeration, but the deep breaths is not. Panic attacks suck man.
**I'm an event/wedding planner...weddings are STRESSFUL dude.